Places where I can help

  • connecting with your values

  • responding to emotions in a more helpful, flexible way

  • developing more self-compassion

  • self to parts relationship

  • anxiety

  • trauma

  • life transitions

  • self-esteem issues

My Approach: 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is an active therapy where you can learn skills to be with yourself and your experience in helpful ways. ACT can help you to look at your thoughts and feelings and have a relationship with them instead of looking from thoughts and feelings, it helps with perspective shifting. ACT is all about whatever is helpful is what works, we look at the function of a behavior instead of our thoughts and rules around what an action should do.

You can read more about ACT here:

I have training in ACT including ACT level 2, ACT for Women Empowerment, ACT in Practice, Exploring Values in ACT, Working with Self and Identity with ACT, and have had individual ACT supervision for 2 years.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS is a modality that facilitates having a relationship from yourself to the parts of you. IFS believes that we all have parts of us; and these parts are all trying their best to help us out. They are trying to protect us, keep us safe, parts that have been locked away because they are very painful for other parts to experience. IFS also believes that we all have a Self, a core part of us that has all it needs, it knows how to be loving and to take care of you and what you need. IFS helps us to have relationships with our parts and to peel back the layers and have more access to Self-energy.

“Listening to, embracing, and loving parts allows them to heal and transform as much as it does for people” – Dick Schwartz in the book “No Bad Parts”

I am an IFS informed therapist and have completed the “Stepping Stones” program with IFSCA. I also meet with a regular IFS practice group to practice skills and to do my own parts work.

Somatic Therapy

Connecting with and forming a relationship with the body is very important. I will invite you into curiosity of emotions and also body sensations. My goal is to go very gently, connecting with the body is not always positive sometimes it can be scary and too activating for our nervous system. We need to go gently and not try to stay with sensations too long or too rigidly, flexibility is key.

I have finished training in Somatic Experiencing in Beginning 1, 2 and 3 and Intermediate 1.